Have any of you been looking out you room window thinking "wow thats an oddly bright star right there"!
Well ladies and guys that is no star, actually its Venus! Last weeks january 27th all the way through the 4th of february venus will be shining at a -4.1 magnitude, which means it is the brightest light in the night sky, even brighter than the moon! The moon of course seems brighter but that is simply because it is larger and much closer than Venus, in fact its 100 times closer than Venus. You will be able to see it some night susually all night and sometimes very early in the morning.
Photo by David Reese
Some of my peers have been saying it jupiter, they may be wrong or just talking about a planet becasue the article that i read does say south west in probably in the U.S.
Article summary off http://www.astronomy.com/en/News-Observing/Sky%20this%20Week/2012/01/STW%20JAN27-FEB05.aspx