Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Polar Or Non-Polar Activity

In this test we used water and ink from pens. This picture in flipped upside down on accident but with way you can still see what happened. The orange ink was the ink that was closest to the water. And the highlighter was drawn at the top of the slip. The orange is the most polar because it rose the highest. It interacted with the water the most out of the three.

This Is a highlight ink dipped in the water. This slip examples exactly what I've noticed in the other slips. The highlighter is polar with has a less of a pull/charge with the water than most of the inks. Put interestingly enough most of the other highlighters do interact well(shown in the test/picture below). But yellow doesn't. i do not recall this one being a different brand, which could be the cause.

After a while we started to test how the inks would interact with alcohol. 

This is a comparison of a test with water and a test with alcohol. The one on the left is the slip dipped in alcohol and the one on the right is the slip dipped in water. As you can see the interaction of inks with alcohol is still polar but with a much less amount of a charge/tug. That is my hypothesis. That the inks aren't interacting with the alcohol as they do with the water is because the charge is significant. Still polar but...less polarish.

Blue- Most Polar
Yellow-Second most Polar
Green-Least Polar

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