Sunday, October 16, 2011

Spider Woman Scales 70-feet wall in China!! By Meera Dolasia on 10/15/2011

A amazing woman from China cleared a 70 feet wall in China and has been labeled the Spider Woman! This massive wall is named the Nanjing's Zhonghua Gate. When I first read the title i was just thinking that she was like a Ninja and used rappeling hooks or something but no, hse used her strong bare hands. "Spider Woman" is also known as Ma Jei. You are probobly thinking " why on earth would she risk her life" but it is very simple she justy didn't want to pay the 4.00 fee to get in.

When i first saw this photo I said, "I could do that" but after reading further I read that 5 other people thought exactly like me but ended up in trouble. 2 broke their legs and the others had to be rescued by police. Ma Jai did confess that it wasn't her first time, she had actually had a lot of practice! Ever since she was little, she had never paid the fee!