Almost every country in the world is struggling to get rid of their trash. Dispose it in some way. Either to a land fill or into the oceans or even on your streets and sewers. This problem has caused extreme pressure on some countries. While some are struggling Sweden is heeling themselves and others.
Sweden has created a recycling power plant incinerating all trash and creating energy. The idea was brought up and put into action during the 1940's.The way that they recycle sounds like it could be the worst thing possible, releasing toxic gases into the air, but incredibly Sweden has mastered the technique putting the releasing of toxic gases to a minimum. While causing very little harm to the earth with their power plants they have been creating an enormous amount of energy benefiting them for the most. In fact these wonder power plants have been generating enough energy to heat 20%(810,000) of swedish house holds and electricity to 250,000.
Because Sweden's breakthrough that recycles 2 million households tray they have ran into a small problem. They are running out of trash. Coincidently they have asked the world to give them their trash. I couldn't do anything more than benefit them. They have been so eager for the trash that they are having 800,000 tons of trash from countries. They have already received some trash from neighboring country, Norway.
Besides Swedens wonder power plants they have gone even more green. They have imposed strict laws and regulation on the people of sweden. Because of this only 4% of their trash ends up in landfills in contrast to the U.S where 63% of their trash ends up in landfills.